There are certain services (systems) needed by our society that do not function well under capitalism.

  • Insurance as a business organized for profit is problematic.  In general, management for a for-profit business is held accountable by its owners/stockholders to maximize profits.  A company maximizes profits by widening the margin between revenue and expenses. The largest expense an insurance company will incur is payouts on claims. With an obvious misalignment of interests, Government steps in to regulate by forming laws and regulations.
  • Basic healthcare is another area of misaligned interest and falls under the insurance category listed above.
  • Our court system under capitalism does not serve the people it was designed for.  The system is not fair and usable by all if the high cost of legal representation is prohibitory for most. When the quality of representation is related to how wealthy you are the scales of fairness are heavily unbalanced.
  • Education under the umbrella of capitalism is counterproductive to the advancement of society. There should be no obstacles to achieving the highest education individuals desire. Money should never be part of the barrier to an educated populous.
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